Cool idea, New Years reflection post...the doctor is in

Jan 02, 2005 20:50

So it didn't take me long to think that the prevailing theme of my 2004 can be summed up in one word- "confusion". Since the beginning of last year I have had numerous decisions to make that I have been incredibly unsure of before, during, and after I made them. The biggest and most emotionally trying of these being relationship-oriented decisions, which I'll not go into, but just say that it made several parts of last year very long for me. Now I look to the future as far as that is concerned, and hope that this year brings about far fewer frustrations, tears, and people that experience pain on account of me.
I made capitalism smile with funded pleasure this year, spending nearly all of my income. Phone bills, gasoline, tourist attractions, movies, food (both fast and moderately paced), a new motorcycle, and "in-style" clothing are some of the unnecessary luxuries I have worked hard to afford that I haven't spent so much on in the past. The only decisions here that took much analysis/thought were clothes and the motorcycle...but clothing for me is hard because when I buy something I wear it until it's falling apart, then it goes into the "once a month" pile. This makes a pair of pants like a 2-3 year commitment.
I only did one play last semester, I had intended to do either the children's play or the musical, but changed my mind about 5 times apiece, ending up not doing either one. This was fine, though, because I got to do other things I wouldn't have had I been in the shows.
This is getting boring, so if I don't think of something I think has the possiblity of being interesting, I'm cutting it off (the post...pervert).
Well, I guess this is the end, happy new year to all, and I hope 2005 is super-awesome and adventurous for those of us that wish it so, or steady and usual for those who like the stability of a calmer life. Good eve and happy living to all.
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