Fic: Moriarty, one shot

Apr 20, 2010 02:30

title: Moriarty
rating: R
pairing: Per request, this one is Ben/young!Ben. There is also some mention of Ben fantasizing about other individuals.
summary: Ben finally meets a man who understands him.
prompt: from the lostkinkmeme  - Ben/young!Ben. Ben wants to spare himself the pain of living in the closet
word count: 4,797
setting: a few days in 1979.
author's notes ( Read more... )

lost kink meme, fiction: ben/ben

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Comments 11

gl12 April 21 2010, 15:52:04 UTC
Wow. This is so.....I'm not even sure how to describe it. It is compelling in a twisted, Benlike way. I felt like I shouldn't be reading it, yet I couldn't stop. I guess that is the mark of some fantastic writing. I love how you can be ruthless in your realism. I think there is a tendency, esp. in fanfic, to treat our "heroes" a bit gently. I really appreciate how you make Ben be unmercifully honest with himself.

Now I'm wondering how this encounter would look from Mr. Moriarty's perspective.


motorcyclesfly April 21 2010, 17:34:08 UTC
Aw, thank you very much. Feedback is awesome.

Now I'm wondering how this encounter would look from Mr. Moriarty's perspective.

Hmm...that might be fun to write... :D


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