Okay, this pretty much cements my decision to get a dual-sport as a second bike next year. This looks like way too much fun. I'm actually impressed at his choice of machine, there- the R1200GS is *not* a small bike.
http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/hooning-in-an-abandoned-russian-kids-camp-is-both-cree-1663507637/+damon Desolation from
Danny Kush on
Or if you'd rather avoid dirt altogether- you know, like those wussy run-off areas on the sides of racetracks, and whatnot, there's the Macau race circuit.
http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-videos/latest/video-didier-grams-bmw-s1000rr-at-macau Click to view
ETA: Click the links, not the embedded video- there's been some weirdness getting the videos to display properly.