I have no voice

Mar 08, 2013 14:15

I woke up this morning with literally no voice. This happens a lot around this time of the year. I'll get some antibiotics in me, and I'll be fine. But it's frustrating when you open your mouth to say something to someone and you can't. I can't even get a squeak or a croak out! I'm sure this is a good thing for those who talk to me--no voice means none of Tina's blabbering, right? :D I can think of a few people who are probably praying that I don't get it back for at least a week. So until I can get to the doctor, this means drinking a lot of tea and using herbal remedies. I'm hoping it comes back on its own, but it never hurts to try to help it along a little bit.

Also, Happy International Women's Day! Where's all my soul sisters? Let me hear y'all flow, sisters!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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