Kavalier & Clay and driven to write porn / lay out my large feelings on the matter. See below for my intense cousin-shipping commentaries. Links to the supplemental short stories? Or good fan fiction based on this book??? ??? ??? where is it. Why are Gentlemen of the Road requests all over Yuletide while Chabon's more obvious nude dudes
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Because yeah, if the third option's the case then it kind of feels like the entire book up to that point contains the build-up of effort and joy in a man's life that he now needs to walk away from and try to find something similarly meaningful elsewhere. It doesn't negate the events of the book but it feel like those wonderful things you've read in the pages up until that point are being shaken off? The way you need to do sometimes in life, I guess. And that's hard to deal with...emotionally as well as narratively because it feels abrupt and the realisation of its necessity really lies in the moment of that action rather than some pivotal point earlier on in the story where you can realise it and sit in the comfort of expecting Sam's leaving for the next 40 or so pages and wait for the characters to figure out what you've already predicted.
When Joe asks, Why did you do all this? Sam just says, Well, I was not brave enough to be a fairy. Which I take only as hearsay, because Sam has to answer somehow, with at least a portion of his truth. The more important question is why he didn't leave once the going got tough.
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