holiday mix meme!
☁☁">holiday mix meme ☁☁ Wouldn't it be rad to make themed mixes of music to share on December 25? Yes. They will be like gifts. Nondenominational christmas-type gifts that cost no money yet still embody that personal touch. Reach out and touch your flist.... with music.
① Click on THE THEME GENERATOR to be issued a theme.
② You can cheat I guess but not like super bad
③ Comment here with your name and theme to sign up.
④ You have 3 weeks to compile a giftmix to fit your theme.
⑤ Post it in your LJ on December 25. Jazz it up with a cover or maybe some gradient text.
⑥ Party and get down
It doesn't matter about the way you upload this stuff. Rapidshare works well enough.