YIPPEE KI AY. Someone's already had time to say my review sounds "pitchfork-like." DOUCHES.
The NatPod II arrived in the mail yesterday, and it is every inch as hot and sleek as I had imagined. Will spend rest of the day buying+making it a new wardrobe.
Also, you know what's so polygon-crunchingly awesome it's actually NOT awesome on account of being a little too realistic for a videogame? SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS.
This weekend I have found, lost, and found again my wallet, car keys, and bicycle, and I now own every manga Hoshino Lily has ever drawn.
I am way too sunburnt to write a proper description, so let's just say Rob Crow of Pinback fame makes music that is fiendishly, inexplicably catchy. Every song I've overheard that boasts this same walking, broken sort of beat immediately reminds me of this one.
Some Things