fear my nerdy rage

Oct 22, 2010 03:15

you know what sucks ass?

not being able to use your brand new super sweet icons because you have to try eight separate motherfucking times to post the same god damn comment because your internet is such a fucking crack addict it cuts out every.  other.  second.  and AAAAAAASDFDFHBSDFHVJSDSMDCVSDHJVSDF

not to mention having to copy every comment before you hit 'submit' just so you don't have to retype when it INEVITABLY DIES JUST TO MAKE YOU RAGE AND LAUGH AT YOU IN SAID RAGE.

...i suppose i don't have any right to complain about having to worry about it deleting my fics while i'm writing them, because i'm stupid for writing them straight to lj, but...STILLDSFKGSDFADFADFGGAADSG


...'kay, sorry, i'm done.

this likely indicates that i should get off of my immensely lazy ass and actually get a job, so that i might acquire the needed funds to purchase my very own internet subscription to avoid future interruptions in service that are a side effect of stealing from your neighbors.

...yes...because that is likely...

p.s. - chapter two of old wounds decided to peek out of its hidey-hole, and i managed to wrangle it to the ground and stuff it into my journal.  it is being edited, but is on its way.  i almost thought it wouldn't happen, hurr - when i get stuck on stuff it's usually for good.  /cacklecackle

p.p.s. - i don't know, i just wanted to put another one here.  seemed deep.  or something.

p.p.p.s. - the fuck am i still awake?!

i'm shutting up now.

go about your business.

general rambling, this is called sleep deprivation, stfu already, fail

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