Note For Droid Users:

Apr 26, 2010 15:35

Do not plug your USB charger into an Apple brand AC-to-USB adapter. It makes the Droid temporarily lose its mind. No permanent damage from what I can tell but whoa. Everything Apple is different.

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wandererrob April 26 2010, 22:17:37 UTC
Apple. Think different. About every fawking thing.


tomatoe333 April 26 2010, 22:40:48 UTC
See my above reply. A couple of the other smartphones do the same thing on their USB chargers.


polyanarch April 26 2010, 23:08:49 UTC
It's a good thing I didn't buy a car from Apple. If I put gas from a regular gas station instead of the Apple Store the car would explode and start on fire. The tires couldn't be filled with regular air but instead had to have boutique air put in them. If the special chemical the Apple Store puts in their boutique air isn't sensed by the inner-tire sensors the car shuts down and you have to take it to the Apple Store and have it reset for $2000 -plus you void your warranty. Same for the windshield-washer fluid ( ... )


tomatoe333 April 26 2010, 23:12:37 UTC
polyanarch April 26 2010, 23:28:41 UTC

Thanks for that video. I hadn't seen it yet. Just yesterday I made a post about this Android/iPfone hack/port over at polyanarch.

He needs to clean it up a bit and get some help from some more brainy/programmy people (not in the polyanarch build specifications unfortunately or else I'd be all over helping him -I might donate some bux though).

Soon, hopefully, he'll have it for the 3G as well as the 2G. I guess the 3Gs has stuff in the firmware and even at the board level that makes this very difficult if not impossible. GodSteve thinks the handset you paid for as a customer is still his -not yours.


c1 April 26 2010, 23:54:53 UTC
Are you kidding?
If you buy a PC car, and don't have a lot of cash, you could save a few bucks and buy the one with an AMD built engine instead of ponying up the big bucks to get "Intel Inside". But you take your chances that your car's AMD motor will have compatibility problems with your Western Digital brakes, and your ATI headlights.
Oh, and when you're miles away in the middle of nowhere, in the fast lane, in high gear, your car has a good chance of BSODing at 90 MPH.

Speaking to the metaphor, Apple saw the wisdom of deep-sixing the useless floppy drive, and simplifying all the connections: instead of a schizophrenic jungle of connectors, Steve elegantly cut it all down to ethernet, USB, and Firewire. When you buy Apple, you know the developers know *exactly* which RAM, video cards, hard drives, etc. you're using, and they can develop for them, making things more stable.
Unlike PCs, where who knows what you've got under the hood. Ever wonder why Microsoft built a rock-solid reputation for building unstable OSes?


polyanarch April 26 2010, 23:58:01 UTC
I see the apple fanbois in the same light as the Harley fanatics.

Marketing is a powerful force...

...for evil!


c1 April 27 2010, 05:20:00 UTC
So... you're a Honda fan boy? A FN Herstal (nee Fabrique Nationale) fan boy?


polyanarch April 27 2010, 10:51:07 UTC
I'm a fan of people who designed and built products for the Pre-2001 Honda corporation.

FN made a pretty neat rifle back in the late 40's and 50's. Their later shyte doesn't impress me.

I LIKE what works. I give my support conditionally on merit. Anyone who does it any other way just makes my mind boggle.

Apple is crappy company. phyxius pretty much sums it up here in a discussion in my LJ.


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