May 08, 2006 10:24
OMG I finally managed to get internet back... after a week... I missed it ! Not to mention the Pond... I've 10000 entries to read ^__^ ! But except the part "I-don't-have-Internet" it was fine ! Very interresting ! My parents are here... don't really like NYC... Too big... too high... ( old generation no wonders here ), so we went to Princeton yesterday... was a great place ! I wish our universities would be like that... nice, not to mention huge... and green... and having a private stadium and POOL !!! O__O...
And now I'm just lying on the ground and enjoying the moment... and me being almost alone here... parents went away... playing tourists !!! I'm really fine here... Let's just enjoy this moment of calm and freedom *sighs*
I don't have much to say otherwise... i've got a lot of things to catch up with... not to mention episode "200"... even if I don't want to be spoiled... There was a sentence on SGP that took my breath away but you have to clic on the link to read what's coming after the "..."... and I really want to read it... but I'm trying to avoid Spoilers like last year... I got some good surprise while watching season 9 and not being spoiled like I was on the seasons before. I'm way too curious... I don't know if I can resist this even longer !
Anyway I think the rest is fine... and tonight is another training day... wat's coming up... only God knows. I've learned last week that July is going to be a "birthday workout month"... Do I really have to go ! LOL ~__^ !
Well gotta go. Enjoy your day... or what's left of your day.
Motoko who may Gate To ATLANTIS ^__^ !!! ( Really )
holiday in france,