Title: Cooking Time
motoko1969Pairing: Ten/Donna
Rating: G (or at least I think it is)
A/N 1: Well this is an old one I wrote on the other side of the world... I have dusted it out a bit... I still find it weird but well this is it. I also grew insanely annoyed with flat searching in London so I needed a break ! I wish it was as easy as searching in Auckland... seriously I am pulling my hair out ! So this is me taking a Ten/Donna break and breathing deep down...
A/N2: THE STARBUCKS XMAS cups are OUT !!!! *sorry fangirl moment*
Cooking for a Time Lord was very much like cooking with hyperactive four years old kids. Donna remembered this fact from the time she had offered to babysit for one of her friend’s twin boys, and to keep them occupied she had then decided to bake cookies, what had happened next was blurry even for her memory but most of the dough had ended up in very random places that day, even the ceiling.
Right now, she was baking some banana and chocolate chips muffins for herself and, of course, the bouncy thing next to her trying to lick every spoon he could get his hands on. Sometimes she wondered why she was even bothering with the cooking because by the time she was able to put the muffins in the oven he had already eaten half the dough. He was really impossible when it came to pastries but she enjoyed these times nonetheless.
Now she would have to find him something to do for the next couple of hours... just the time to let the muffins cool down a bit. Donna had a pretty good idea of what he could be doing during this time. She smiled to herself, took the clueless Time Lord’s hand in hers and led him to her bedroom. He wouldn’t be clueless for long and then the muffins would be able to get cold and be even more enjoyable after what she had in store for him !
The End.