Apr 23, 2011 16:33
We are doomed indeed o(^o^)o
OMG OMG OMG Well today is officially our in 3 months anniversary... till the best day EVER, till I completely loose it... over too much squeeing and a huge dose of fangirling as well... because well it is worth it... and THEY are worth it... I don't care what anyone else says, this is going to be my day in 2011... like Opening Ceremony was in 2010 o(^o^)o ! The only difference between these two events is the fact that I had time to pounder the actual day in my head compared to Opening Ceremony (which was if you were asking me until last year, my biggest dream... and somehow it still is because I am not sure I have realized I have actually been there :/ ! Yeah I know weird), the ticket which I got not even 24 hours prior the event and which probably adds to this feeling of it never happening really... or maybe it is the fact that we all just turn into sleep deprived Zombies... (and I mean that in a good way :D, but let's face it for the Olympics I would go sleep deprived for years if I had to, because well there is nothing like it and it is totally worth it). And I just realized that this is a lot of rambling on something I try to keep to myself because it is difficult for me to share it... (well I have a whole train of thoughts on that matter but I am not sharing it here...).
Anyway... I finally managed to bloody see that Graham Norton Episode 1 of Serie 9 (which is probably one of the best I have seen if you ask me... although the last one with Catherine T. and the "rubber in the nose" story is pretty much up there too :p), ok I am totally biased because it is the best because well THEY are together there... (and so is Josh Groban :p) and well talking about MAAN never hurts anyone... certainly not me because it seems I can't shut up about anymore (too the only person who knows in NZ... poor him :/), and well I think it is pretty much the only thing I think about in my head... and on that note... I feel really really sorry for the people who will have to deal with me in my near future in Europe before that AWESOME DAY in 3 MONTHS (and after as well for that matter... LOL).
Other than that I have to say that somewhere... but I don't know what is wrong with the Nucks... loosing two games in a row like that... WTH !!! Which is not helping my "hatred" for the Blackhawks BTW... and I saw someone walking with a Blackhawks t-shirt on Aotea Square the other day... I just went "Grrr" at him... LOL !
In a week (well a week and a day) I am off to the Rialto in Newmarket to go see "Frankenstein" Live from the National Theatre in London... I am so bloody excited about it... (Yes I think I have turned into a theatre freak as well... it is not really a newsflash since I have been to many plays in my younger years... my parents used to take me to Alsacian plays or being on the boards and in the spotlight for myself... but this is another story... one I am not ready to share... yet... because it is one of these days in my long gone past in Europe also which alsoqualifies for one of the best day of my life... and it has to do with acting on stage... maybe it was a sign for MAAN :p ! Maybe this is me coming full circle :p) ! Anyway as far as "Frankenstein" goes I am going to see it on a day which is when BC is the Professor :p !!! And they all think I am mad here. Sometimes I feel like such a geek...
I can't believe I made it through... though... It was tough but this is it... the last month. The last month before I am Europe-bound again after such a long time... I really have mixed feelings about all this... but I think MAAN and the best 3 people in the world make it way easier for me to go back... not that I won't be sad though (and I will try not to be in the same state than after NJ in the airplane... because after all I have a friend with me :D, and she doesn't have to see me cry for 12 hours straight... and yes before you ask it is possible to cry for such a long time... been there, done that)... but yeah London is definitely helping...
As usual my entries don't make any bloody sense and for that I am sorry... but then again blame THEM :p (in a good way as usual :p) because it really seems I am not able to think anything else than MAAN... *bounces hyperactively all over New Zealand/Auckland* and since I am bouncing I am actually considering finally posting one of my silly stories :p ! Because I liked this week's prompt... :D !
A toast to the best day of 2011... and to the best 3 people in my world :D (at least one knows... I am not sure the other two do... actually I know they don't :p)