Jul 21, 2006 14:13
This is not possible, it's so humid outside today I can't even believe it... Well that doesn't change anyhthing... Tonight it's me and the big TV and Sci Fi Friday... ( did they just put bugs in Stargate... again... ??? Weird ).
So first of all happy holidays for those living tonight ( nevermind, sorry about the delay I know you really wanted to go tonight )... Hope your flight will go well... And Enjoy... and don't forget to take some rest too. Hope the weather is going to be great...
And I end up being alone here ( not in the dark, for the moment at least ), I have a few more days to wait before taking an airplane myself... To go to the beach... to go to Miami... and then Nassau... I don't even know what I'm the mose excited about... I think Nassau is going to be great, I'll take a walk to Paradise Island too ( I'll gate to Atlantis... Can't wait... ), I think I'll go there for my birthday. But most of all I'm looking forward to some quiet and peaceful time with me and myself as only company... Solitude... God I love that, and it's exactly what I need right now, I'll rethink several things in my life... cuz there are some things right now that I don't really like... at least the way they are going !
Little sister I so wish you were here with me, I need someone like you to talk to... Heureusement qu'il y'a des gens bien ds le petit ecran... qui sont tellement CUTE qu'on se mets a 2 cm de l'ecran ( mais de qui est-ce que je suis en train de parler... LOL ), I so loved having this conversation with you yesterday... and for once we agreed on a guy... LOL. Don't worry next year I think you and I should go to one of his concert... Wherever it is... Fan d'un jour... Fan toujours... ( J'adore qd il lit son journal... LOL... ( Allez l'OL ^__^ ... private joke )). Hope to see ya the 31st... I'm waiting for you... ( Et on va voir celle qui est le plus bronzee... LOL... mm si on connait deja la reponse ). I miss you so much... And thanks for being the only one understanding me these days...
Tomorrow it's saturday... guess what this means.. Training with the greatest team in the world at 5:45 am... LOL. I try not to think about it... but I'm not sure I'm going to manage next year without them... they are the greatest people I've ever met... ( at least some of them ). Madison MSC... I'm gonna miss you... And I won't see you for 2 weeks cuz I'm away... making my own training... and "Giving a new meaning to open water swims" LOL.
So hope everybody is enjoying their summer.
Take care
PS : Yeah I would love a tropical storm as strange as this sounds... LOL. Private joke to the one I had this conversation with this very morning.
PS again : In ten days I can legally drink some alcohol in this crazy country I'm going to miss... And I'll be able to gamble too ... YEAH ME.
still mad