
Apr 17, 2007 23:07

I was just reading bigfundrew's post about his recent adventures with young, gay-tolerant rednecks at Denny's and started to respond when I relaized that, really, this topic merits its own post ( Read more... )

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herfierceness79 April 18 2007, 23:44:22 UTC
Im sorry about the abrupt ending there...work was over. To continue what I was saying....

I have done alot of thinking about people and thier various intolerencies (if thats not a word it should be) and have even done some actual research on the subject, being the world class nerd that I am. There are particualar subjects that people have been conditioned to hide thier prejudices about. This would be racism (white toward black), sexism, antisematism (unless you are Mel Gibson) and not agreeing with Hitler in public. I know there are people who will disagree with me here, but just go with this for now. I am not talking about radio show hosts or washed up sitcom actors or jew hating drunkards, I am talking about your average bob on the street, in public. Maybe when he sees Hillary Clinton he is really thinking about the good old days of being able to beat your wife without having to hide it, but he would not say that at a cocktail party. But there a few topics that have not yet gone through this conditioning process - one is homosexuality. If a teacher made some crass remark about a student acting black (insert n word there), there would be consequesnces. If a teacher tells the football team to stop running like sissys there would not be a batted eyelash.
One of the news storys that got quite a few comments from the public was one about a New Jersey school district showing a video to the third grade about tolerance and different kinds of families. There was a nuclear family, a single mother, grandparents and gay parents. This brought out the entire community to bash the school borard and basicly scream about how discusting this is, this is not matereal for children and on ad nauseum. (you should be able to find the story at www.nbc10.com) One man said that he was getting intollerant of all this tollerence. I don't understand why people are so terrified of seeing two people in love raising a child. I don;t know if people think there is some kind of take over plan, maybe some gay al-quada. My point is that though there is this new generation coming up all loving and what not, I don't know if they will be able to thwart all the influences from bigoted parents and the christian (wrong) right. We should all cherish those moments of cross cultural understanding, but don't let it put blinders on to the overwhelming negative influence there is in our world. In other words...don't stop fighting bitchs!


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