Fic Index (WIP)

Mar 15, 2015 00:00

*ones I'll admit least..
--- all fics posted here are more edited than the meme versions ---

A Parliament of Owls (WC:64000 PG13 Clameron - apocalyptic futureAU)
Summary: The Coalition deals with the aftermath of floods drowning out large parts of Britain in 2015. Cameron, Clegg, and Osborne must find their way back to normality, or at least a close approximation. A story of global economic conspiracies, political scheming, personal ambitions, and true love.

Changing of the Guard (PG13 Mandelborne - magicAU) (WIP)
Summary: In a different world, Ed Miliband leads the Labour frontbench to discover why the Coalition government is ineffective in using magic to deal with a series of bizarre events. Featuring sorcery, revisionist history, and Gideon, George Osborne's time-travelling twin.

Couldn't Lie Straight in Bed (R Mandelbell, Mandelborne) (WIP)
Summary: During the General Election Peter is having with an affair with Alastair, or possibly George. Everyone's confused but the truth has to be somewhere, if only one of them dares to stop spinning for long enough to find out.

Embrace 1973 (R Mandelborne, magic time-travel AU)
Summary: Peter Mandelson met Gideon Osborne in 1973, if not earlier.

On-and-Off Mandelborne Series (if you like)
The Man Who Isn't There (R - Mandelborne, warning: hints of dark!Mandelbell)
Summary: Politics aside, getting together with George is a lot more difficult than Peter thought when memories of New Labour still haunt him.

The Right Thing to Do (R - Mandelborne)
Summary: Negotiating the relationship.

Political Creatures (R - Mandelborne)
Summary: It's been a while since Peter called George "Dear boy".


A Biased Lolitical History of Common Portmanteaus
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