Dec 10, 2004 14:30
so these past few days i've been studying my ass off for finals. they really do suck. we should abolish them along with college papers. i had my first final today: sociology. i think i rocked it, but you never know cause sometimes my teacher takes off random points for the stupidest little things. it sucks, really. but its nice cause my next final isnt until monday night and its religion. our midterm for religion was super easy and im hoping the final is the same way. then all i have left is philosophy and she basically told us every question that was gonna be on it. sweet, i know.
so i dunno if y'all have heard of facebook but this random guy from my school got my screen name off of it and has been IMing me lately. he's really nice and kinda cute cause i saw his picture. apparently we saw each other today but i wasnt really paying attention and he kinda just cut in front of me when i was walking to my final. it was weird though, cause i saw him and i was like, hm, that could be him and i almost said something to him, but decided against it because if it wasnt him, i'd seem like a huge dork, which i am anyways. lol. but he keeps asking me to do stuff with him and i feel bad turning him down every time but i really hafta study and i've got this monster cold, which is finally starting to go away. woo. so i dunno. eventually we'll meet for real. his name is eric. whats up with me and guys named eric? lol. even though its spelled differently then the hottest erik in the world. lol.
in other areas of my life, i get to go to the mall today! i havent been to the mall since september when i went with bob on one of my hurricane breaks. woo to marie for taking me to the mall! i massively need some new jeans cause mine arent gonna last much longer. lol.
oh oh! and i get to go home in less then a week. im so freakin excited! and if it doesnt snow on the 16th, i get to go pick lenny up at her school. im gonna stay the night and we're gonna hang out and then drive back home the next day and it'll be great fun. but if it snows, im gonna be so mad. lenny said she's gonna kill her neighbors if it snows. lol. i can not wait to go home. i feel like i havent been home in years! i wanna see all my friends and bob and Q. Q needs to be happy. *shout out to Q to be happy* marie needs to finish her studying so we can go SHOPPING! woo for shopping. im kinda hyper, if you cant tell. lol. ah well, what can you do?
time to go shopping!