Mar 01, 2005 00:55
i don't hate anyone but when i say i hate you, you are uderly and passionately disliked. my stupid ass english teacher is ass from hell. he makes not only mine but every person's life he encounters miserable. the details are too lengthy but let's just say i've reached the level of stressed out that the next step is my head blowing off from the rest of my body. i smell really bad because libby and i were practicing kung fu in the hall and it's too late to take a shower. i am really angry at myself for not applying myself as much as i should. i am numb to the fact that if i don't make a 3.0 i will be returning home. i can tell myself that all day but it doesn't sink in, they're just words.
i went and saw interpol in new orleans on friday and i think that was one of the best live performances i've ever seen and plus carlos d is really hot with a beanie on. oh, i made a new friend there. his name is julian and he's a sophomore here. he was talking about something and he said something negative about sorority bimbos and because he has no idea about me. it really is amusing to me to trip people out like that. i'm so ready for spring break it's unreal. all i want to do is sit on my big ass at home and do nothing, maybe work cause i need the money but, yep that's about it. i desperately need to wash clothes cause i'm having to wear my nice clothes now. it's cold in my room and i'm hungry, i feel like a prison inmate. i met this boy last thursday at the SAE house and he looks just like beck. oooh he's very nice looking and he was very flirtatious. but it's just like that line from eternal sunshine "why do i fall in love with every (guy) that pays me the least bit of attention?" i really have to stop that. tomorrow's gonna suck so bad, i can't wait. i got so sloshed last thursday that i really think that i got hit by a train on friday. i've never experienced a hangover like that before. i went through the motions all day still intoxicated. oh well, matthew my date to our formal is so cute and he is such a sweet guy. he and all the guys from clinton are so genuinely nice. for example, today i saw gates, one of my friends who went to school with matthew, and he said i looked pretty when i obviously looked like hell run over twice. why can't all guys flatter you like that on a daily basis. they deserve awards and they are obsessed with all of us. i think if they weren't in a fraternity, they would be in our sorority. it seems like i have a new crush every week, but suprisingly not one this week. my heart still burns for vince. i wanted that to sound like a cheesy romance novel. everytime i think i'm over him, i see him and then i just become mush. i don't like that word, i feel like the slop somebody spilled on the floor in the caferteria for everybody to step on, a little more vivid. i think it's time for me to piddle on the intro-net some more and i'll try and make another entry soon, i'm just so dang busy.