well, here's a little taste

Oct 10, 2004 19:39

So, you know something can't be right with the beer if you can drink 12 of them in a 6 hour time period and still walk around just fine. Not wake up with a headache, not slur... Even though its cheap and you get a lot of it... I just don't think that cheap, flavorless, clear beer is the answer. All it does is cause mass urination and unhappy ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

inverted_man October 11 2004, 10:22:33 UTC
Hmmm. I'm starting to wonder if my ID really disappeared in Louisiana. Maybe you tossed it after we'd had a few in TX?


motile_slump October 11 2004, 11:04:12 UTC
haha, nononono. Although, I do remember saying something like how I wished it had been me to hide your ID to keep you from going home. If only I'd a thought of it first. damn.


petrified inside usermanual October 12 2004, 09:46:40 UTC
hey you..
hope things are going well..
and yes clear beer, (water) sucks. .
i've recently been drinking Chilean wines, they generally have a higher alcohol content, taste good, and don't cost much more than the cheap, bad stuff us poor folk have to remain bound to.
just popping in to say hey. . . livejournal land has been slightly dead for me lately. well, the whole e-world land has pretty much been dead for me.. but hey, i've been making the most of it..
anywho, cheers.


Re: petrified inside motile_slump October 12 2004, 12:20:03 UTC
Hmm, I'll have to check out this Chilean wine you speak of...
Nice to see your name here. I've been away, too.
How's the leg?


Re: petrified inside usermanual October 12 2004, 12:44:59 UTC
doing ok... i can walk without a limp now... so i guess i'm healing up real good like. though i can't sit cross-legged anymore.. the screw in the top portion of my leg is hindering that in some way or another... so.. no yoga for me. otherwise good though..


Re: petrified inside motile_slump October 12 2004, 12:52:59 UTC
wow, I couldn't imagine not being able to sit cross-legged... I guess it is true, like what you said when it first happened about taking the daily routines and what nots for granted. yeesh.


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