So, you know something can't be right with the beer if you can drink 12 of them in a 6 hour time period and still walk around just fine. Not wake up with a headache, not slur... Even though its cheap and you get a lot of it... I just don't think that cheap, flavorless, clear beer is the answer. All it does is cause mass urination and unhappy
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Comments 6
hope things are going well..
and yes clear beer, (water) sucks. .
i've recently been drinking Chilean wines, they generally have a higher alcohol content, taste good, and don't cost much more than the cheap, bad stuff us poor folk have to remain bound to.
just popping in to say hey. . . livejournal land has been slightly dead for me lately. well, the whole e-world land has pretty much been dead for me.. but hey, i've been making the most of it..
anywho, cheers.
Nice to see your name here. I've been away, too.
How's the leg?
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