Free Time! And some seriously great podfics.

Oct 20, 2013 13:53

Having finished my monster almost-10-hour podfic of Play It Again by metisket, I've been taking a break to read and listen to fic (with the exception of stumbling into co-writing Stiles, why is Derek Hale passed out on our front porch? with marguerite_26).

I wanted to share some of the joy that's been my recent listening...


Nothing Gets By a Stilinski AKA Stiles Had to Get His Awesome From Somewhere read by paraka, written by GoddessofBirth (Mature)

The meal with the Sheriff, Stiles, and Derek is the best kind of uncomfortable; Derek's voice is hesitant, and low, Stiles is out of his depth, and the Sheriff's running the show. Paraka gets all of it just right, the humor and emotion.

Safe at Anchor read by takola, written by Jerakeen (Teen)

Great narrative voice and pacing, along with a terrific Stiles. Can't get enough of her reading.

An Algorithm for Mistakes read by
lunchee (explicit), written by fleete

Which has my favorite Lydia voice. Seriously good!


On the TW fic front, I also enjoyed Inertia by bookgodess15 (Mature), which I recced at Epic Recs. I have a few more new favorites, but I'm out of time, so I'll save them for over there.


I'm 2/3 through the over 12 hour Given in Evidence read by erica_schall, written by verityburns (explicit), and it's a lovely long podfic to listen to. She does a perfect Sherlock Holmes, I think.

fandom: teen wolf, rec, fandom: sherlock bbc, podfic

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