Do not take the following icons, they have been done for people that are obv. not you.Freebies can be found at my icon journal __bittercandy If you'd like to buy something from me email me to Prizes are usually $1/1icon or $5/6icons; banners are $2, the following rules do not apply to you if you wish to pay me for graphics.Though if you follow them the end result will most likely turn out better. Payment preferably through but i do accept livejournal coupons occasionaly. If you don't have paypal cause you don't know how it works/are unsure about getting an account feel free to bugger me with your questions.I swear it just looks confusing but isn't.
Examples page There are some rules you might want to follow when you request from me, they will assure you getting a decent graphic off me and they will also assure that i'll be pleased with the outcome and enjoy the time making your graphic.If you fail to follow these guidelines i will or will not ask you to change or take your request down if i think that with what you provided the outcome will not please me nor you.
x Give me good quality pictures.You don't know what a good quality picture is?First of all it's not blurry, neither small and it has good lightening.The edges are defined clearly which will make cutting the person out of the original picture a lot easier.High quality pictures look like this. x Give me more than one picture to work with. If you give me more than one picture to choose from i can make sure that the picture fits the icon background i've been making as good as possible and that the person won't look misplaced. x Do not give me million lines of text.A lot of text will make your icon look crowded and cover up the whole background that i've been working on for about 20 minutes.So try to limit it if you can or provide more than one possibility for text. x Don't give me couples in weird positions or cats spread all over the floor.They are bitches to put in icons and i won't make icons of people that are not you (besides celebrities).I don't know these people and i don't know if they are okay with getting their face slapped into icons. x Try not to be demanding. I can't promise that the icon will turn out having the color you want or the animation you want.Making icons is somewhat a creative process for me and even though i do have some control over what goes where on icons i can't control it completely.So bear with me if what you get is not a complete copy of your request.that's just not how it works. x don't request copies of icons. seriously.just don't.point me in directions.but i won't copy a style or an icon if i don't feel like it.