That line from Aliens came to mind as I read of
Chelsea Clinton's criticism of Dear Leader's disregard for his country's international committments:
"I think the world will breathe a sigh of relief when this president is gone," Clinton said, criticizing Bush for pulling out of various accords, including the Kyoto Protocol on global warming.
She urged the crowd to register to vote and to listen to past debates between her mother and rival Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.
What?! She's encouraging people to listen to debates? And then vote?! Surely the Republicans will have to punish her for that thinly-veiled threat to their vision of America. Oh wait, they already are. Never mind.
An audience member at N.C. State also pressed Clinton to discuss the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Clinton declined to discuss her father's relationship with the White House intern, drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business.
No sniper incidents were reported in relation to Chelsea's tour; nor did Chelsea allege any. (Remember when Republican Sen. Jesse Helms said her father couldn't enter North Carolina safely?)
Right or wrong, Chelsea seems to be showing all of the energy, focus, and courage her mother seems to have given up years ago. Am I the only person thinking the wrong Clinton is running for President?
In other news, Barack Obama is back to doing what the rest of the Democratic Party should have been doing, but hasn't, since 2000: attacking Republican BS...
McCain said Obama "displays a fundamental misunderstanding of history and how we’ve maintained national security, and what we need to do in the future to maintain our security in the face of the transcendent challenge of radical Islamic extremism. And I understand that because he has no experience or background in any of it ... [The American people will] understand over time if they don’t know that he has no experience or background on these issues."
To which Obama spokesman Bill Burton replied:
Barack Obama doesn't need any lectures from John McCain, who has consistently misunderstood American national security and the history of the Middle East in arguing for an invasion and 100-year occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Instead of spending trillions of dollars on permanent bases that the Iraqis don't want and that won't keep the American people safe, Barack Obama will end the war in Iraq and finally press Iraq's leaders to take responsibility for their future.
Earth to McCain: when you've as consistently wrong as the Republicans have been, on just about everything, you can't play the "experience" card. No one with ANY experience with the Middle East would have expected Iraqis to throw flowers at the feet of any infidel invaders.