If I give you my secret, will you keep it for ever and still hold me close?

Jan 01, 2012 16:01

    Authors Notes: Hey guys, this is my first time posting here. I've got quite a few fics written in word document just sitting there gathering dust, so I decided it was time to post, this is just a short intro to this fic, It will probably be about 4 or 5 parts. The next post will be part 1, so I suppose this is a bit of a prolouge really. Any way, sorry this is stupidly short, it's really just to make a start, so let me know what you think, comment, constructive critisism please? Also, any advice on writing technique and any prompts for this fic, suggestions for plot line or anything you would like to see in this fic, like rediculously sweet fluff or mutually underaged smut, im willing to write just about anything if you want it in this fic. Oh and just to let you know, this is un-betta'd, so please exuse spelling and grammor errors, much love <3
    6.30 am. That time again. In exactly 30 seconds and Brendons mother's overly perky, sing-song voice will be calling him down for breakfast. He rolled out of bed, not bothering to make his bed, he'll only mess it up later when he gets back into bed after a grueling day at school. He pulled on a pair of tight jeans and his usual lavender hoodie, knowing the disaproving glances he will recieve from his mother and father, he lined his chocolate eyes with black kohl, also knowing the frustrated huffs this will earn him from his parents, but he's learnt to ignore the comments from everyone else and to just flash a friendly grin at them all in a sort of 'fuck-you-and-all-you-stand-for' kind of way.Brendon was the type of guy who all the other highschoolers didn't understand because he was different, because he dressed in a different way, beacause he had certain features that were too feminine to belong to a 17 year old boy. He wasn't bullied as such, sure he had recieved his fair share of punches and shoves and the occasional 'dork', 'nerd' and 'freak', just the same as his two (and only) best friends Jon and Spencer. And yeah, they were nerdy, they knew that they cared more about their education than most of the neanderthals at Palo Verd highschool because unlike them, he and his friends want to get out of Vegas because they don't want to be a casino owner, bartender, waiter, Morman priest or a drug addicted gambler/whore. Any way, Brendon knows the comments and punches could be worse. Alot worse. And all it would take was for his secret to get out. The secret he has been hiding from everyone exept Jon and Spencer for years, his parents especially because if they found out his secret, their reaction and punishment would be 100 times worse than the people at school. He would never have to see his classmates again after he graduates at the end of this year. His parents though. He would have to live with their hatred for him for the rest of his life it wouldn't matter hows far away from Vegas he was. They were his family, his own flesh and blood. Thats why he needs to hide it, thats why it's a secret. *****************                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

secret relationship, mormonism, highschool au

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