May 15, 2008 07:39
Yes, it is offishal. I loath WebAdviser. I am still not signed up for my corses. This is getting on two weeks now. Each day since then I've tryed and ran into some other problem. Now, WebAdviser is down for the day. Bah! And the e-mails I've been getting back have become less and less helpful. I ask them I asked "I'm trying to take three courses, but it's saying I'm not takeing the right amount of classes, even though I'm taking into acount the fall/winter courses being in the winter. Is this assumption true or do I need to choose more options and why is it not letting me sign up." Their always is "The winter/fall courses run in the winter. Try spreading them out."........thanks tips. That really helps *sarcasem for those who can't pick it up*. They'er as usless as Alexeis right tit.
Oh well. In other news, I only have one more week at the library. I don't want to go.....but I must *said in a spanish accent*. To prosude that thing that everyone says I need in order to make alot of money so I can live. Hazza. And I'm still not sure when I'm allowd to move up to Sudbury but it better be soon. I don't want to sit around the basment waiting for their go. Although I'm sure if they don't give it to me right away, I'll drive up to Sudbury a couple of times, drop off a few resmimes and get a feel for the City. Or should I say, have the City get a feel for me.
Well, in other news, I've realized I really dont know what I want. That is all I know about the whole 'female' situation. As you all know, I fall inlove with practicly every other girl I meet. And falling inlove with so many only makes matters stickey when you start thinging of one individual and realize you still have eyes for others. I think I just need to 'go to where woman kind can ne're be found' as Ray says it.
Other then that I've got nothing. I was looking forward to a road trip with Alexei on Saturday, but he's getting abducted by Friench Pirates maskerading as his family......or his family maskerading as Friench pirates......or his family really is friench pirates maskerading as fake friench pirates maskerading as his family. It wouldn't suprise me either way. So instead I'm going to do crazy random stuff. Oh and Prince Caspian comes out tomoorw......perhaps I should tell Jenn We're going......or I can kidnap her as I maskerade as a Friench Pirate! Its genuse and Fool proff.