Why can't I roam the halls of school singing my own spy theme song?

Jul 17, 2007 10:30

June and July are going by too quickly. Heack, as much as I want summer over with, I think it needs to slow down just a bit. I dont want to be 20 just yet, and its already two weeks away. This is not happy making on my part. But really, what happend to June, and what's happining to July. It seemed just like yesterday it was the Canada long weekend up at the cottage, and we're already past the half way point of July. I'm really starting to lose it, my grasp on reality seems to be slipping by the day, which seems to be exelerating at an exponental pase.

Well, in other news, the irony actualy birns. I'm not sure if I've writen this out before, but last week, I've been trying to get myself to call the doctors to see some sort of tharipist since I've been getting nervous again. Oldly enough, its seemed to be not so bad now....but anyways, I've been trying to no avail to give them a call.  So last Wednesday I deside to just go in and pay them a visit since I figure my main obstical was the phone call in. So my main way around it was to just see the secretary. That would have worked, but the whole office was closed. It was quite creepy actualy.  Anyways, I, again, put off calling in. Since all Thirsday I was busy, and most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday I really didn't have much of a chance to call either. Yesterday I told myself I would call.....but I didn't. So today, refreshed from my shower and a brew in me, I desided to actualy call. The line was busy. I wait a few minuets and call again. Still busy. I wait a half hour.....still busy. So.................now what? Well, I'm going to give them another call at 11, and if its STILL busy, I'm going in. If I dont come back in an hour, tell my brother to stay away from my room.

In other other news, I've finaly had a chance to listen to the albums I've picked up from HMV on the weekend. They are oh so pritty. The Neon Bible sounds soo good on LP, and I'm so glad they made it. Marbles wasnt as good as I antisapated, but perhaps its only because it's the watered down version. But its still pritty good. Voyage of the Acolyte, with the 17 minuet extened played out version of Shadows of the Horriphant, is just orgasmic. Its just too aweseome for words. Her Magisty the Decemberists is pritty good. I got it on a whim, so anything better then just meh is pritty good. The one song "I was ment for the Stage" is really really good. IQ's subtrrania live is just as good as I hoped it would be. The starting of the second disc is just amasing, it starts off all mellow and what not, and then BAM! it hits you with the second song being all powerful and what not. Very nice.

This leaves me with the album I'm listining to right now. Thats right, the docoter who album. And let me tell you, it's better then I ever hoped it would be. Best song is easoly "Doomsday" the song they use in the last episode of the second season. It sounds like Pink Floyd got into a really nurdy mood and desided to right a song. It really is awesome. But the whole album is just awesome. Cassandra's Walts is errie and yet oh so soothing at the same time, which I just loves to bits. And even the two 'poppish' songs they have on there are pritty good, aparintly its the songs they had for the two christmas episodes. These songs really are amasing. There's no dinieing it.

Well, I think thats it. I'm going to attempt to write more in my story......40 pages in, this one is going alot smoother then my last one. I can tell you that much. Who knows, maybe one day after I publish it, this place will be famouse and what not.

music, tharipy, ironic

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