Damnit Machiavelli, tell me something I don't already know!

May 27, 2007 21:31

Well, I'm extreamly bord so I figured I'd update this since I haven't updated this since Wednesday. Well nothing really happend of interest since Wednesday. Thirsday I had class and then work. That was oh so fun. Well actualy it was quite entertaining.

Friday was fun. I read, then Alexei and I picked up a new calculater and some black duck tape to fix my black duck tape bag. Then since we felt like Wendy's, we whent to Wendy's, then we whent bowling since I still owed him a game. That was quite fun. Then we watched simpsons and southpark, and then I think law and order with new cute chick. Thank God that other guy is gone, he was just harsh. Thats it for Friday.

Saterday, being yesterday, was also fun. I read most of the morning, then I was off to work. Then I went to Jenn's since she was dragging a whole wack load of us to see Pirates down at the IMax. So I got to drive Erin and Shelly down.

Jenn: "What are you listining to in your car?"
Me: "Braudway love duets"
Erin and Shelly in unison: "Where going with Mump" *high fives*
Keven: "I'm going with Bryan"

Uncaulchuered hussy. Although he did know about Avinue Q  and was equaly exited that it's coming to T.O., but still. So Bryan also had to pick up Brit H, and yet he still managed to pass me. The movie was pritty good. I'm not quite sure my full fealings aboot it. I think I'll need to either see it again, or let sink in even further. But yeah, I'm going with it was good. Then for some weird reason, I took back Erin and Shelly again, who where both staying at Jenn's house over night, but not Jenn. So we had to wait a while for her to show up to let Shelly and Erin in.

Ok, so, Erin and I where talking about music since I just poped in some IQ 'Dark Matter' and Erin turns and askes "Dude, have you heard of the band called 'Dream Theater?' Cuz these guys kinda sound like them. Exept Dream theater is more 'metel'". I said it sounded very increadibly fermiler, and I might have actualy heard them before. And indeed I had! They are on the Progarcives sight, and not only that, but I've been listining to one of their songs over and over again, since they have a new song on the sight and its on the main page. So after finding out more about them and listining to more of their songs, I'm hooked. They are awesome. Damn you Erin! So I've been listining to them non-stop.

So yeah....today I read more, waited for Alexei to make himself somewhat aparint since his mom mentcioned that I needed to entertain him since they needed the hoose, and since my Dad's thing for today was canceled he wanted to see a movie. So I gave Alexei a ringgy dinggy (yes, I know, me using the phone!) But he was at work. So I rang there also, but no one answered. So I was off to see Dalta Farce.....yeah....it was kinda stupid.....in fact.....it was just down right stupid. It had maybe a few funny parts MAX. Then we went to Kings Buffet for dinner. And now I'm home, being bord.

Also, will the pressure in the air just level out! I mean, I don't mean to complane, but good God, I wouldn't mind a little time without a damn mygrain. Geese. Ok, grate, I can tell you when its going to rain and the presure changes. Well, THE AIR IS FEAKIN HEAVY AND IT BETTER WELL RAIN SOON TO LEVEL IT OUT! MY HEAD FEELS LIKE ITS ABOOT TO ESPLODE! That is all.

headake, weekends, week, movies, outings, bord, weekdoings

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