I've got a few minuets too kill

Aug 24, 2006 11:08

Thats right, I've got a few minuets to kill. Im going to do some running around today before I have to go to work, but I'll wait alittle bit before heading out (I just got some bubbles and squeek and I'm going to wait till my hair dryes out alittle). I'm going to write this one out in cronological order. As you probibly know my brother is back home from the cottage, and most likely will stay home now till school starts up. Oh, it was a short time without him, mostly since he would come home as many times as he could. *sigh* oh well.

So since he's back home he's back in his "I must make Michaels life a living hell again" mood. So last night, Im half asleep, just about to slip into a dream when I hear a very odd noise coming from the bathroom. It sounds like someone is scraching through foam. Im now fully awake and realize my brother is brushing his teeth, probibly as loud as humanly posible, with the door wide open and the light on. I mean, does he even realize we have a door on the bathroom to respect people whom are trying to sleep? Or you know, we have a bathroom downstairs so on one will hear you? But nope, that would mean more work for him just for a little convenunt sleep for those around him.

Thats not all fokes, oh no. I'm having a shower today (as you know) and I'm scrubbing away, singing away, and having an inner mind monologe going on. He bersts in, and again, starts brushing his teeth. He just says "I hope you dont mind" and I of corse say that I do mind very much so and he says "oh well. It dosent bother me at all." GAH! I like my privisy, expeshaly in the shower when I'm nakeds. And he starts running the water so theres very little water coming out of the shower, and its increadibly hot. But hey, thats the prise one has to pay for a little brother.

So if you cant tell by now, I'm very anoide with him. And he cant understand why Im not going to drive him to the fair today. He says that I'm the selfish one and that I need to start thinking of other needs. But basicly what he's saying is its not fair that he can do all this increadibly anoing things to me, and I cant do one thing that may inconvenunce him in the slightest, when all he has to do is wait another half hour for my mom to get back and drive him instead.

Anyway, on to happyer, less anoing topics that have nothing to do with my brother. As you probibly already know I'm volinteering at the dragon bout fesivle. But silly me, I forgot to bring home a charry can. So I'm going to have to go to Canadian tire for one (plus, we need one at the hoose), fill her up and then fill up the sea-do since its down to two bars. So after that I'm probibly going to have to fill up the rest of the charry can since I'm most likly going to have to use up alot of gas tomorow and on Saterday. Joy for me. Then I'm thinking of going to Zhares since Jenn told me about this Little mermaid doll is there, and I'm very tempted to pick it up. I may get funny looks from the teller, but it will be worth it. Most likely I wont, but I'm thinking of it.

Well, I geuss there will be no eturnal inner struggle being revield in thsi post. Oh well.


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