Aug 14, 2006 10:24
"And so it came to pass that Michael, son of Mark did wake one a monday morning. He seemed to have nother better to do for a 19 year old male, so he desided to write more in his Live Journal. You would think he could find something better to do. But no, he cant. I Supose he could, but he is just too lazy to care. He would much rather sit on his ass, doing nothing but complain about non-meaningful things then going outside, getting exsersise or getting back into shape. But who am I kidding, he was never in shape....I mean..." *shuves narrator over* Ok, I think we've all had enough of Mr Narrator and his deminization of me "No they havent" yes they have Mr Narrator man, now shoo. "Oh no, I'm not going any were, you big fat tub of" *BIG BANG SOUND* *Silence* I think that took care of Mr Narrator Man, and now "Oh I'm still here, bleeding and in profound pain, but im still here" *begining to get anoind, pulls a lever* "and I still have alot to say...oh my god is that a poler bair? Gah! its headed straight for me!" I think that will take- "GAH! ITS EATING MY LEFT LEG" yeah, it will do that, I've been starving it, and pokeing it and saying it was all your falt. Now go make friends with Mr fluffylumpykinds. *said in a baby talking voice* Isint dat right mr fwoffywoffykinds? Yesh it is, yesh it is *scrashes chin* whos shuch a fwuffy bair? who the fwuffy bair? chu are! chu are. Yesh you are! yesh you are.
**Im sorry to report that at this point both Mr Narrator Man, and Michael were fishisly attacked by Mr Fluffylumpykinds's Brother: Not-so-fluffylumpykinds. They are now both dead and I have to fill in for both of them. Since I do not know what either Mr. Narrator Man, nor michael were talking about, I will have to talk about stuff that in no way relates to either of them. Like Spam, or Llamas. Or Llamas made of spam, or spam made of llamas. And now on to danceing Dogs!**
*dogs dance*
**very nice, very nice. Lets have it for the dancing dogs of denver! Thats the Tripple D's for you fokes. Well, we have a lovely entery today. Todays geussed will be....we have guests now? Ok then, I guess we do. Todays guest will be the writer trying to impersinate someone. I dont think he's quite figerued out who yet, but there will be imersanations. And since you can only read will be a persict representation of the person impersinatishon. And now, here he is, some guy I just invented doing impershanations!**
""Thank you, thank you. Please your too kinds. Its grate to be here on Michael's Live Journal. I must admit I was alittle reluctent to take the job, but here I am. Ok, so the first Empersanation Im going to do is of Christerfer Walking and what it would be like if he were in the move Clift Hanger.""
""Thank you. And now my empreshion of Lenered Nemoie if he were Aladin's flying carpit""
""Thank you. No really your too kind. Thank you. And now, for my last empreshin I'll need help from the audiance. Yes you reading this come on down. And whats your name?""
""And Brigit, who is your favourit actress?""
''Ummm, I dont know. I kinda like Zooey Deschanel. You know from elf, and winter passing?''
""thats perfict cuz I'm also a magition as well as an empersanator. So sit right here Brigit. Now, think of Zooey for me. Do you have a clear pitcher of her in your mind?""
""ok, now *Grabs a big thing of sparkels* when I count to three you will turn into Zooey. 1, 2, 3 *dumps sparkels over Brigit and brigit turns into Zooey* Lets have a big hand for Zooey Dechanel for taking time away from her acting carrer to come up here to help out with this act.""
**Grate to be here, thanks alot everyone. But were did Brigit go?**
""Oh, I put her back into her own world. She was an evil overlord and the only way to get rid of her was through a really bad magic trick""
**oh, hazza then! And hey look, Michael is still alive. I really do like that guy. I think I'll run away with him.**
And we did. And we lived happyily ever after, getting marryed, and some how Alyson Hannagan joined us and everything. And we all lived happyly ever after.
And then I woke up. Best dream ever!