Apr 06, 2010 19:13
Well yesterday was full of Fail, but also full of Win. So I geuss it balinced out. I wrote out this large rant about how everything I was doing just seemed to be counter intuitive, about how I felt like I was swimming against the current, about that feeling when your trying to devide your attention 5 ways, when there are 10 ways going on, and you can only physicaly pay attention to 2 maybe 3 things. And that big post that I wrote out? Yeah, it never got published, only the little disclamer I put at the begining of it. Michael = Fail.
But oh well, I'm sure it's a good thing that it never got posted, it was pritty filled with emoistic angst that I'd just re-read and think how terrible it was. So yeah, I geuss it's time for me to actualy write out some of my eater happinings.
So what's actualy accountable on here, all started on Thursday. It was your typical Thursday class wise, although it was the last day of classes. Yay! The grad student in my Evolutionary Psych class did his presintation/lecture....which was.....interesting.....and then I hung out with Jennifer, and then did my little presintaiton in my English class. It was awesome, I'm really going to miss that class.
But it was after that class that the party really started. Mandy, Marnie and myself all went out for Swish Challet for lunch. Yay! Marnie had never been to Swish Challet, which Mandy and I thought was perposterous, so we took her there. Marnie's reasons were 'she don't like bones and lettus so why should she go to a place that catters to chicken and salid'. She kind of has a point. But either way, it was awesome, she had casidias, which had no lettus or bones. We had a wonderful time, alot of laughs, to the point where our stumics hurt. Then we went to the mall and Mandy and I kept having fun with Marnie, and then Marnie and I kept having fun with Mandy, and then Mandy and Marnie kept having fun with me.
Then Ashley called me (well she called me at Swish Challet) and told me her work didn't need her today, but she didn't want to go home, so she was going to hang out at my place. I said sure, I'd be there once I wasn't hanging out with Marnie and Mandy. At this point, Marnie and Mandy couldn't contain their laughter over my old phone and started taking pictures of it with their iPhones. I said 'stop laughing, you're hurting it's feelings'.
Then after the awesome that was the mall I headed back home and met up with Ashley. I then went to RV and one of the peoples there did her thesis on waves that stimulate the brain and found a frequencey that was recorded as indusing orgasums. So of course everyone wanted to try it, but nothing really happened. One girl just reported as being in need of some 'intimit times'. But aparintly, I was not apart of such things. I tryed the whole wave length thing, and didn't really feel a thing. Good times. Then back to home with Ashley, and I carried home a menu bord from Tim Hortants to hold on to for a friend of mine, so I got some awesome stairs walking home with that. Then we watched Fringe and Ashely went home.
Then on Friday I drove home. But I figured my car needed a car wash. But since my door doesn't have a complete seal, I walked in with a towle around my neck when I asked for the car wash. They guy's reaction was priceless. Then I got back to Barrie and had an awesome catch up with my father and Ann. Then Stephanie and Alexei came over for a bit of tea before we headed out to watch 'hot tub time machine' which was awesome! One of the funniest movies this year. I could go on and on about it, but I think I'll stop.