The quality of quantity.

May 22, 2009 08:21

People some times ask me why I like progressive music. Well imaginary voice inside my head since no one has actualy asked me that, I'm going to tell you. It's the quality of quantity. It's like a 14 ounce stake. Not only is it in the quality of the meat, but the quantity of it. Not just listining to an amasing song, but listining to it and thinking 'I don't want this thing to end'. Thats why I loves it so much. Can you tell I'm bord?

So I woke up this morning ready to stab someone good. My heaters were on, meaning somone in this building had their heater on since they felt that +27 outside was just alittle chilly for them. WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE!?!? I mean, really, what are you thinking? Just because it gets a bit chilly at night, does not mean we have to blast in the hot air. That will happen once the sun gets up on it's own. You know, the origanal heater? We use this 'night time coolness' to get the tempiture in the rooms at a nice cool brisk tempiture to prepair for the blazing heat that will inseue once the sun comes and beats the heat. I am honistly sourounted by idots. "Oh my, it's cool in here. I'm going to blast my heaters instead of grab another blanket because that would be reasonalbe and leave my apartment in a nice tempiture come mid afternoon when it's sure to be blazing hot. I like and enjoy being so hot I stick to the floor." Next year I'm moving to Nunovit.

music, rant

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