So, I'm going to start off this post with a dream from last night which was interesting enough to write out.
Again, like all dreams, I don't know where it started. But I do know I was working an office job, but not just any office job....'The Office' job. It turns out I was in with the Amarican Cast of the show 'the office' and I was talking to Pam, who, I might add, is the only reason I watch the show....when I do (I work on Thursday so I miss it). But little by little the people start to change and become actual people instead of charaters of the show. I'm talking to this one girl, and she's telling me of her old job where she was either a dancer/stripper or a prostitute, I'm really not sure. Her inuendows and mediphors were over my head. It was also jellybean day, so we all got jellybeans.
Then I'm at the library in Barrie. They wanted some extra help in the winter, so they ropped me into working. There was alot of new faces there, but the library was closed and we were all playing with 'marble works' which we set up around the elevator. It was a masterpiece of marble works.
Then everything changes and I'm no longer actualy in my dream, but watching two people as they try to figure out where the Joker is. They trace him to Arham's asylem, and the chick, who's a newsreporter or a detective or something along those lines, tells the guy just to follow what she said, and say what she has writen on a peice of paper. So they see his jail sell and they tell him hello, and he acts all Jokery, and starts to say that they're in his domaine now. So she starts going on about how he's not funny, and how everything he does is just a ploy to make him feel better and what not. He seems fine, but when she says that none of his jokes are funny, he take's it pritty hard and starts scratching at the wall, taking out a few of the bricks and then taking out the wooden walls behind them and then excapes. Oh yeah, the two people are now naked.
And thats all I've got for my dream.
So.......I've got two bare with me.
I've learned a very valuble lesson these past few weeks: ALWAYS! and I must repeate that since it bair for some heavey emphizis.....ALWAYS! assume a girl has a boyfriend. ALWAYS. Why? because she probibly does and getting your hopes up just to have them come crashing down is not worth it. It turns out once you get to fourth year in University, if you don't have a significant other, it's like you're missing an eye or something. Call my shallow, call me foolish, and call me a hopeless romantic.....but so far, all the girls I've met thus far, to which I've had 'eyes' for (and trust me, there have been quite a bit) all have a boyfriend; and it pisses me off!
Ok, I'm happy for them. It's great they've found a speciel someone to currle up with at night to watch "House" with. I'm happy I met them so I can actualy say I've made 'friends' while up in Sudbury. But for a guy who's almost always on the look out for his own 'speciel someone' who's aparintly never going to show gets really anyoing thinking I'm getting somewhere in my surch just to find I've ran head first into a brick wall.
So now, I'm just assuming ALL GIRLS I meet from here on in is taken. She's already got a speciel someone to curle up on a couch with to watch "House" and I'm just simply doomed to die alome and nakeds. At least this way I wont be running head first into a brick wall. It's the old analigy: "Would you rather have the illusion of happyness for a short while, and when that bubble bursts you find yourself with a cracked open head (or heart if you want to be all romantic)......or would you rather have a constint head ake (Or I supose taking the mediphor of a 'hopeless romantic such as myself....a constint heart ake) that never quite seems to go away?" Either way..................
Ok, thats the end of that rant.....on to my other one.
The Elections last night. I'll let it be known: I'm very pleased.....and VERY disapointed with the results. I'm pleased the conservitives are back in with a minority. They've already proven they know what they're doing, and they're not going to screw us over. Since it's a minority, it will keep those who really hate the conservitives somewhat quiet with the checks and balances the opositions will bring forth. I predict a very effective goverment this time around, and I'm quite pleased for it.
What I'm not pleased with is the proportionality to representation of the population of the distrabution of seats. Mainly with the Block and the Greens. As I last cheacked, the block had 50 seats. Last I checked....they had LESS then 10 % of the total vote. That means they're being GROSLEY, REDICULUSLY, REPUSIVLEY overyrepresentated in the house. This makes a mocery of our system. Expeshily since they INTIER platform revolves around provintail matters! The block them selves are no more then a 'show party', which makes a farce of the Canadian Govermental System. I understand their emportance WITHIN Quebec.....but not WITHIN Canada.
The Greens on the other hand, as last I checked (I could be wrong on this one, but the point still stands) had more total votes then did the Block AND NDP (Also, the Block got more seats then the NDP, which......IS.....a bad thing, but's the NDP) and yet....DID NOT GET A SINGLE SEAT! They're bing GROSLEY, REDICULUSLY, REPUSIVLEY Underrepresetated.......SINCE THEY'RE NOT BEING REPRESENTATED AT ALL!!! Now, I'm not a big suporter of the Greens....they really dont have a National Platform outside of 'save the enviroment', but at least they're issue, Unlike the Block, exteneds from coast to coast. They SHOULD in all farness of our elestoral system be allowed a say in the House, but they are not given that RIGHT (yes, I say right....if you have more people wanting you in then a party that is THIRD in numbers in the house, then it should be a RIGHT to sit in) for a voice in the house.
Canada.......Our system has failed us. We have let a party be third in numbers of seats in the house that does not desurve this, and we have shunned the party that IS third in number of voters. If you ask ANYONE on the street today while walking from point A to point B, and ask them 'Should the green's have a Voice?' they will say 'Yes'. We need to change our electoral system to allow proportional voting. Not to do so would to be repeating this growing unrepresenteted population who will never get a voice, and overrepresent people who have already had their say. This is not Just.....and this is not right. And yet.....when we try to change this.............people through the option back and say "No", which is the bigist tragity of them all.
And that's all I've got for now.