Jul 21, 2008 06:52
Last night's dream....here we go....
I cant remeber the begining. I know I was at the cottage, and also walking around down town Barrie. The main point I was up at the cottage, and for some strange reason, everyone was plotting against me. They obveusly never told me this, but I could sence it. It was one of those dreams where you just know everyone is after you. But this one was very subtle. For instance, we were going to climb on the roof of the cottage with a latter, and the roof was much higher then normal. I start climbing it and the person holding it really isint doing the greatist job at it and lets me slip down the latter. When I land all they say is "Ops".
I go inside to the cottage and the people inside look at me and say 'What happened to you?" I say I sliped down the latter and they shrug their sholders and say "oh well." That kind of thing. And I was also walking around down town. That's all I have at the moment. Maybe more will come back to me as the day gose on.
In other news, I'm very tiered even though I just woke up. This is odd for me, usualy I'm a little groggy when I first get up, but nothing a good pot of brew wont fix. I woke up this morning and I was practicly tripping over myself. A cup-o-joe later, and I'm still quite groggie. The odd thing is, I went to bed at 10:30 last night because I was very tiered then too. Maybe it was the fact that the last two nights besides Sunday night, I was up past 1. On the bright side, it makes the drive back up to Sudbury more interesting to the other cars.
Have you ever found out something about yourself that is the oposit to what you've been led to believe your whole life? Yesterday this happened to me. When I was cleaning up the basment of the house on Parkway, I found my alergie sheet when I was tested way back in elementry school. I know I'm very alurgic to cats, most mold and some dust, June grass aparintly and most forms of Antibiotics. Here's the one that startled me: Dogs were not on this list. I was always led to believe that I was alurgic to dogs. I always had to take an alurgy pill when I whent over to a house with a dog. We got Mindy because my mom was alurgic to dogs, and Mindy is a 'non-alurgic' dog (cocapoo's have hair, not fir, so no sheding), and I just assumed that it was also because I was alurgic to them also. But no, I was never alurgic to dogs. I've been living a lie!
And tonight I'm going to speel about the Dark Night. Aparintly some parents had a bit of a problim with it.