SO. It's been a while since I posted, and I totally meant to make one like a week ago but then got distracted.
In order to make up for my absence, I bring to you: Carry Me Home, a playlist for the core group of friends in my Untitled Gay Superhero Project. The group consists of Max, Eric, Scott, and Misha, with some people who float in and out sometimes, but it's always always them. If you are interested in them and their interests, you can go
here. (That whole blog is dedicated to UGSP, mostly character references and such. If you have a Tumblr, you should totally follow. Even though I haven't updated it in a while because I've been distracted with my NaNo.)
But anyway, here's the playlist:
Click to view
I hope you all enjoy, and if anyone else is doing NaNo, I hope you're doing well!