Apr 05, 2010 11:56
Been trying to naturally induce for about two weeks now, to no avail. I was hearing warm baths help, did so, and got a couple of contractions that were stronger than others, but none regular enough to say "Finally!" That and they disappeared after an hour.
Still trying to coax Carlos into having sex, if and only if to help the labor start. He's still saying "But it feels wierd!" and that he's afraid of me getting a yeast infection, since for some reason my body is naturally retarded and gives me infections like they're candy. So at my next pap, I'm just going to have them check for everything: STDs, HPV, etc... It honestly doesn't help that EVERYONE is telling us to have sex and it's just made us both feel so uncomfortable and like it's a chore rather than something we want to do. At least that's how I feel. And I'm not about to start begging for it. It's just embarrassing.
My mom and second support both think it's stress, which my second support isn't helping on that note. When people call us, or just me, they're first question is always "Is Emily out yet? Make her come out!" Carlos says it isn't that bad, but he's not hearing it from everyone around us. I am. And he doesn't realize how anxious it's making me. I have people telling me I haven't dropped, when about two months ago my boobs rested on my stomach when I sat down and when I was standing. Now they don't at all. Yeah, I'm sure she's dropped.
I'm starting to feel pregnancy incompetent, since I have no idea what's going on with my body at this point, but I'm where I just don't want to be around anyone. I'd rather stay locked in my room and read all day than to deal with people. It's exhausting hearing questions about what I am and am not doing to induce. I dunno. I'm just irritated, like when everyone kept asking me if I got my B.A. and decided to settle with an A.A. and for some reason some still don't want to believe I graduated from college.