A Funny thing happened to me

Jul 21, 2013 13:47

I realized last night I have basically two reactions going hand and hand to most everything: "All Right!" and "Aw Crap." The new little darling addition to our family (The puppy) decided he loved me a little too much and ate my bra...one of the good ones...to which I responded with "WHAT THE FUCK! Aw crap, MY BRA! How the hell did you find it?! *heavy sigh with some mumbling* Fuck. All right. I'll just go to the store and buy another one. Not like it took two years to find that one, but that's okay. It's replaceable." This was just icing on the cake after he got curious about the weird cookie-not-a-cookie smell coming from under the bed (I did too) and pulled out I have no idea what the hell it was, but it looked like it had been there for a month.

It gets better.

Dot, the 1 yr old German-shepherd-Australian-Mix, FINALLY got used to the puppy, who is full blood Australian Husky, and they were playing in my room. I don't mind. I miss Emily and Carlos, so it was nice to have the noise and company. That is until I decided to try the water-marble nail polish trick with these two playing around my table. Yeah. Thank heaven none of my nail polish spilled on the floor. They knocked over the table with the water and the nail polish. Again "Aw Crap! C'mon! I just cleaned. That's it, get out! Ah dang it, the nail polish! Wait, it's closed. Phew! All right. Let's get this cleaned up." Of course, two minutes later they are scratching at the door to get in, which I do let them in with the condition they BEHAVE! Anyone feel dogs don't understand? Believe you me, they played nicely AWAY from my table the rest of the evening. I feel like I'm dealing with a 1yr-old who needs to touch and taste everything and anything it can get its little paws into and a teenager who wants not only mommy's attention, but wants the new addition to be their best friend.

Now I'm off to eBay a new battery for my phone because this A-hole keeps shutting off on me, no matter how charged it is.
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