You've Never Had A Day As Good As My Day Today!

Feb 19, 2006 18:24

SO...i wake up around 11:30ish to see that I had missed a text message from Kelly saying "Guess who I'm going to see today?" I was practically jumping up and down in my bed hoping it would be me (because i knew she was up here), but couldnt call her back because sallie was sleeping.

SO...i texted her and i was like "Who?!"

I get a text message back, saying:

"What are you doing this afternoon?"

I IMMEDIATELY call her, and im like no flippin way! Ur coming to see me!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! it was UH-mazing. Her, Mr. and Mrs. Evans walked around Furman campus with me, we went to lunch, and talked. It was so awesome, I love them so much!!! :-D! I couldnt be;lieve they drove three and a half hours away jsut to see me and take me out to lunch, only too make the same drive back two hours later. I LOVE THE EVANS FAMILY!!! If I was gay, I MIGHT marry kelly. Lol, jk. well...maybe. :P

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