Writer's Block: Public Transit Nightmare

Nov 28, 2007 10:25

I was going to say I hadn't had one- but then I remembered that train ride and being stuck in a little bitty town on the Columbia River 2 days before Xmas with a flood behind and a washout ahead and the Nat'l Guard air dropping Christmas trees.... Still, all's well ends well...
There was 3 am in Pittsburgh in the bus station-- and the ride downhill from the border crossing in Chile/Argentina with tha Sgt. with BO. But that ride also had salt flats at 16,000 feet gleaming in the moonlight so...
I loved the El in Chicago and the Rapid in Cleveland. LA's transit wasn't bad and except for the price that wild ride home with Elizabeth and James to our Hotel from Doug's 60th....
Granted that it's a pain to sit and wait for it- public transit isn't that bad once your on your way...
In California there just plain isn't enough of it for anyone to be able to rely on it....When Buses only run every 1/2 hour and you neeed to take 2 to get anywhere...it just takes too long.

life, writer's block

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