It's Friday

Jul 27, 2007 10:59

And it's been a looong week. I had Monday off but that was a waste 'cause James was pissy and I was lazy and all we did was go to the bookstore and then I didn't want anything. That is so sad.
Just re-read that se4ntence.. we went to the bookstore and I didn't want anything.
Tragic and probably sick.
I even had $$$.
Really sick.
I think we went out and did more when I had the wheelchair earlier this year than we do now. Granted the boy is flat, broke, busted but I'm paying and I haven't made an issue of $$$. (Maybe I should....the hell of parenting is that whatever you do, you're wrong....) I know we did more when I had the cane and the big black boot.
Ah, the boot. That's sad, too. I think of that plastic monstrosity with nostalgia. At least I could take it off every now and then (and every night!...ah, sleep without a cement block wrapped around your ankle! What a concept!) I've gotten through 8 1/2 days of this blue cast and crutches and I have 2 weeks to go (minimum) and I hate it.... Clumsy, hot, itchy, intrusive and irritating!
People stare at me and say "Ithought you were OK, now" so I have to tell them I broke it again... and that it's a different bone and I fell over the cat. No one's told me but I bet there are rumors about my drinking going around. Or something. I'm having a bone density check and then my balance and I think I'll ask for PT... Assuming that I ever get my foot out of this ^&**%^%&*&* CAST!!!
Oh, and James flooded the house.
I am tempted to leave it at that and let the one or two of you who check in on my rantings worry about it. It is sort of a bold, bald (as in unembellished) statement:
James flooded the house.

I used to do it fairly regularly and both kids have brought it up and waved it in my face in the past but this time.

James flooded the house.

Not much damage...It's so hot that things, including the carpet , will dry without mold and he claims not much in the coat closet was dampened. I'll look at it today in the light. But 'till I get home.... home at last after a long, dull week that I spent having one hissy fit after another because the Director's response to any and everything is micro-management and we are supposed to be PROFESSIONALS! I shall calm myself with my new mantra

James flooded the house.
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