Nov 07, 2006 09:54

I voted.
I took my kids with me when they were young and now they vote absentee and wonder at their mother's old fashioned style. I like going to the polling place. It's that simple. I like having to make a little (not too much) effort. I like the sort of makeshift, impermanent feel.... this is an important day but we Americans are so secure we can treat it casually.... maybe too casually but that's a different matter....
I'm one of those who think that if you don't vote- you shouldn't complain.
It's easy, safe and (when enough of us bother) effective. I admit that lately I pay much more attetion to local stuff... I feel as though I might have some real input there but I vote on all pro-choice, environment, immigration or other social issue-orientated issue.
I'm a LIBERAL and proud of it.
And I am SO tired of the "no new taxes" mantra of the current crapheap of politicians. Who do they think they are fooling? Sooner or later you have to pay... bonds are taxes on our kids and I'd rather someone just said..."this is going to cost us but it's the right thing to do" than steal highway taxes to fund schools and high jack capitol improvement funds for salaries. What happened to honesty or honor? or even just common sense?
Bush only sees what his handlers let him see. Democrats are so desperate to be elected that they don't offend anyone and wind up saying nothing and the fringe parties get good ideas but if I vote for them.... Attila the hun gets elected.
But I vote anyway. And on rare occassions I contribute to a local politico who seems to agree with me....
I hope everyone votes this time. "Landslides" that are really only 51% of the 25% that voted are ridiculous.
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