дев'ятнадцять 19: Now paging reactor Number Four

Jul 11, 2010 21:42

[Ukraine picked up the phone as she waved to one of her drone children.]

Oh hello? Was just calling to say if there are any people still blind there is a small boy that-

[There's a mumble as a drone comes up to her holding soemthing]

Ah, mail for me? Well mother's on the phone right now sweety...are you sure?....alright....

[She takes the envelope that her child gave to her and starts to open it as she continues]

Ah am sorry, was just saying that this boy is able to heal you if you're.....still....bli-
[The phone is dropped with a thud as Ukraine stares at the picture that was in the envelope. It's a building with a number 4 on it]


[And if you're listening on the other end you can hear a shriek of pain as Ukraine falls to her knees.]

chernobyl, more pain, third degree burns are fun!, not blind anymore at least

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