Jun 07, 2007 23:47
Dear Live Journal,
I should be posting more often, I know. Lots is happening. Book (I'm so thrilled! Excited! Elated!). Book signing (am going to post pictures!). Some great books out there that I've read (CURES FOR HEARTBREAK by Margo Rabb!). Peach tree rendering lovely, juicy peaches. And then there's this horrible thing a friend of mine called my attention to called the Amazon.com sales rank, which is like the closest thing to a nightmare-from-hell scale one can imagine. So this past month, my self-esteem has fluctuated as per the numbers on this ranking system. I'm masochistic or something because I check in with it EVERY DAY. Holy wrong-doing misguided self!
But, in a mere conglomeration of weeks, I've learned that this ranking numbers thing is no different than a bathroom scale. One should not weigh herself each day and so it goes I should stop looking at this number. In fact, I'm closing my eyes dare I scroll down the page. I'm done and my characters are going to literally emerge from the book and kick some serious bee-hind should I even consider holding them up to a ratings system. Shame on me.
Almost finished reading Mark Peter Hughes' LEMONADE MOUTH, which is absolutely wonderfully enjoyable. The book is told from multiple voices and great author-man manages to create a unique, genuine voice for each character. Loved I AM THE WALLPAPER and enjoying this even more.
Husband snoring really loud. Like on a scale of one to ten--one being light, nasal noises and ten being run-for-cover-I-think-there's-an-angry-boar-stuck-in-his-throat noise--he's a ten. He starts low, snarly and within each minute, he's climbing up to soprano territory. I'm tempted to find a delicate wine glass and hold it above his nose to see if he can quiver a shatter out of it. But those said delicate glasses are too high on the shelf. However, the sippy cups are within reach. I bet he's got it in him...
Hope everyone is healthy, well and ready for summer!
To the tune of ogre caliber snores,