"we can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind"

Jun 23, 2011 01:12

Tired. Drained. This will read like poetry by e.e.cummings.

So, I saw Glee Live

And while I was waiting for rebness at Victoria station, three Warblers (the one who plays David, Riker and the tall one) turned up and went nuts on a candy stall. I had no camera (my BBM camera is dreadful) and I was freaking the fuck out while I tried to sit next to them calmly. Which is weird because I’m not even a Warbler fan. They were stood next to me for ages, too, before I thought, Fuck it. I’ll get Riker in a pic on my shitty phone, and then everyone else began clicking on who they be, and was too late. MY LIFE. Full of regrets, tbh

rebness turned up “UNNNNNH. Camera broke and that, innit? THE ONE THING YOU TRUSTED ME WITH.” So we went to WH Smith and got wind up cameras. It took about an hour to remember how to actually use them and then we went the fuck in. Same Warblers were stood next to The Pit, which is alongside the platform, and I was staring in that direction to see the Glee club come on. I’m pretty sure the weird candy loitering starey girl is now on some sort of register.

GIG WAS AMAZING. Due to cameras being from 1984 and only working on things four foot away, we had to wait until they were near us, and they were nearest when stood behind me facing crowd. Which means I have 35 pics of people’s backs. And Lea and Heather’s knickers. NOT MY FAULT. I was just clicking like a bastard. Whatever, it was awesome. So were the knickers.


* Jessie’s Girl
* Raise Your Glass (with my candy chums)
* Born This Way
* Valerie
* NEARLY touching Naya’s fingers. I nearly dislocated an arm and possibly crushed the jaw bones of the people next to me.
* Getting slushied by Chris Colfer (except he originially had his back to me, so I wasn’t expecting it and reacted like it was acid. He gave me a concerned look. Possibly due the weeping, clawing at my face and screams of “I’ll sue!”)
* Corey’s half smile
* Naya being insanely, insanely beautiful in real life.
* The train ride home with three insane drunks who told us about their lives as drug addicts, child prostitutes, gamblers, giggers, seasoned adventurers and haters of the gingers.

Want to go again. Now.

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