LJ is being weird about it's own question but it was:
"What's the first major news event that you remember hearing about as a child? Where did you learn about it? How did it impact your world view?"
I just had to Google all these because wasn't sure what order they came in. I recall the Dunblane masscare (and why I'll always loathe Prince Philip), the murder of James Bulger and Freddie Mercury's death. Apparently, Freddie's the first memory as it was 1991 when I was six, my mother was a fan and I remember watching the news report he had died. Actually, I think it was a press conference announcing he had AIDS and then later seeing the announcement of his death. I honestly can not think of one HAPPY news report from my youth. I'm trying! Oh! Terry Waite being released from captivity! That was 1991 too I think.
Oh, my God. I have to see this!
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