Jan 08, 2009 21:30
it really freaking sucks when you forget your fucking id at home when all your friends that you haven't seen in months are just beyond those doors. eric, sean, jason, and jen were all at the cheerful tortoise tonight and i left my fucking id in my gym bag. ARGH.
i forgot my gym card at home, so i had to use my id to get into the gym. and the cute suge knight doppelganger distracted me with his kind flirtations, and i placed it in my BAG and not my JEANS. OH MY GOD. i am pissed.
oh yeah and my boss got fired yesterday. (after spending years building up the owner's company and working her fucking ass off to make that place run properly). fuck. i'm so pissed. and i'm not supposed to know she's fired, so i shouldn't call her. and ugh. i hope we go out drinking, girls night stylie, tomorrow night regardless. boo. so anyways, now we're supposed to fucking take all her hours. and that's awesome because i've already had to drop a class for this stupid fucking $9/hr job. AWESOME. whatever. so next week i don't have a single day off. and i close every night. and working for such dickheads that just dump a fucking amazing employee, VIA text message, might i add, JUST FUCKING SUCKS.
arrrg. so angry. but whatever. i get 15 dollar cuts and colors and aveda products at such a rate that has allowed me to rack up hundreds of dollars of choice fucking hair care products for pennies. and i seriously do love my job. it is amazing,and i love all my coworkers. but ugh
anyhow, have to get back to drinking at home with my boy