Dec 26, 2008 20:00
boourns. i miss my boyyyyy.
so christmas was aight. i was stoked with my purchases for everyone. and i got lots of cool shit. i don't really remember everything. but i got a pair of vans, lego batman, mariokart, a professional blow dryer, some board games, a PSU hoodie, pajamas, lots of undiepants, new slippers, a leatherman!, blankets, monies (with which i am getting warioland!), books, and a new food processor (since i broke mine a few weeks ago). cody's at his parents tonight. they're doing christmas without me, since i had to work today. which was bomb. i've made a lot lot lot of commission this week. next week i get PAID. i am stoked. i am going to get a tanning package, new jeans, ohhhh and boom blox. it is going to be rad. and i can pay my insurance. RAD.
cody and i forwent christmas for each other, and are going to go to seattle for a weekend next month. stay at hotel max again, eat at redfin, bring a few gallons of vodka, walk the streets, watch trashy t.v. in bed. and duh, fuck while looking at the space needle!
all i wanted for christmas was those D&G glasses, but my mom refused. she says that's not a christmas gift. so she's buying them for me next week. BOMB. i am so stoked. kind of. i don't know. i was so fucking bloated this morning because i drank a fucking pint of smirnoff last night. but i went to lenscrafters to see what they look like on me.. and not so cute. so i may have to find a new pair.
i am so stoked for my first legal new years eve. it is going to be awesome!!!
last weekend was fun shit. we went to bobar and agency with the girls from my work and drank like fucking crazy sauce. had a great time with cody making fun of douchebags and skank-hos. i really don't fit in with the gals from work at all, but they're very sweet and understand it's not my scene. but we have fun together anywho. it's nice to have lady friends for once!
i am officially a vegetarian today. for the first time in 5 years. i am hoping the change in diet will make my esophagus better. i went to my pulmonologist last week and he said my lungs were fine, super cool. but i still have to take a lung function test. and he gave me assloads of free medication. what a cool dude. he told me i have a fat neck. ahahaha. i was like. thanks?
ohhh, good times. i am so borrrrrrrrred without my boyfriend. what the shit am i supposed to do without that fool? ugh. i work till late o'clock tomorrow too, and that means that i don't see him for like another 24 hours. gaaaaad.
oh yeah, snow was awesome. we walked everywhere for three days. got so much fucking exercise, enjoyed the gorgeous scenery. ohh amazing. we have spent sooo much time together because we've both been off work. ohh god damn it's been incredible. makes me weak in the knees. mmmm i love that boy.
and now i am going to watch some harry potter! PEACE.