poem by tom really its by me not from by

Oct 25, 2005 17:43

it's raining cats and ches here in newhope so i'm trappped in my prison cell typing a poem in hopes of sounding interesting i want to know what you think sooooo here goes:
Your soul is as pure as the tap h2o in mexico,
the dirt of our hatred courses through your body so naturally,
like a flaming match to a cigarette.
you inhale and preach your painful pounding pregidous.
forcing your words down my throat, like bad medcine.
faggot.. homo... queerretarddumbassholeshitheaddefectfailure-
until finally your words are poking holes through me turn me into swiss cheese.
and i bleed out molten dairy.
stench clogging the nostrils you turn away look out here comes the molten dip,
my touch will make you foul and ugly.
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