Hello dear ones,
This is my Ever-Updating Index of One-Shot Fics.
Warnings and disclaimers are in the heading of each story, please read responsibly.
Some stories are flocked and you'll have to friend me to read them.
If you do, please introduce yourself and include an age disclaimer if your profile does not have your age listed. Thanks!
If you are under 18, please do not read the R or NC-17 stories until you are 18, okay?
~Mama E.
Title: Turning Over A Clean Leaf
motherendurance Fandom: American Idol RPS XOver with "How Clean Is Your House?"
Pairing: Cook/Archuleta
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,050
Summary: David won’t marry Cook until he beats his problem. Desperate, Cook calls for the help of the only people that he thinks can help him.
motherendurance.livejournal.com/7401.html Title: LEFT: Feeling Left Behind In A Right-Handed World
motherendurance Fandom: American Idol RPS
Pairing: Cook/Archuleta
Rating: NC-17 and I MEAN it!
Word count: One-shot. 2880 words.
Summary: Ah, the misery of trying to fit yourself in a square peg world when you are a smooth, curvaceously rounded round peg...
motherendurance.livejournal.com/21562.html Title: HANGING: “No hinge nor loop, To hang a doubt on.”
motherendurance Beta:
daisy_star Fandom: American Idol RPS
Pairing: Cook/Archuleta
Rating: HARD NC-17
Word count: ~4,900 words
Summary: "Cook was determined to try to use the heat of his love and passion to warm David back to life."