Title: Oceanic Descent -- Chapter Sixteen
Author: motherendurance
Fandom: American Idol RPS
Pairing: Cook/Archuleta
Rating: G to NC-17. This part is G
Word count: 2750 words this chapter (34,900 words cumulative)
Disclaimer: Not for profit work of fiction. Fair use of copyright material. No intended imputation regarding the character or inclination
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Thank you for your kind feedback! I have gone back and forth between being really happy with this chapter and utterly disconsolate about this chapter, so it's very nice to hear that some of the magic of the scenes in my mind must have made it through my awkward language.
You can blame the longtime SF love for the "freefall crouch". I LOVE that there is a specfic phrase to describe the position that a human body at rest in zero gravity takes. Isn't that a cool 20th and 21st century kind of thing?
Amazing times we live in.
I am, in fact old enough that I remember being in either kindergarten or grade one in Madison, WI during Neil Armstrong's historic moonwalk. Our whole school assembled and sat on the carpeted floor in the large unpartitioned space that made up the area of the VERY odd experimental school (with *no* walls, big mistake!) I was attending. We had a black and white TV set perched on a stand in front of us.
We were all utterly mesmerized by the sounds and images, and especially by the low gravity movements that no one had ever seen before. I remember the adults in the room crying.
Truly, a moment I will NEVER forget.
Way to ramble Renata! Haha!
(((BIG teletubby hug for soco!)))
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My little sister was born in Madison General in August '69, and we lived there till 1977 when we immigrated back to Canada. My parents were students at the University of Wisconsin when you were born... my mom in Classics (thus the love of Greek myth) and my dad in computer science.
You know, we are almost the same age, I was born in '66, so in double checking dates, I found that the moonwalk landing memory was actually from nursery school, as I was only three at the time. It is an incredibly vivid memory though.
Check out Neil's cool 1/6th standard Earth gravity bouncing in this clip, I have been dreaming of it for my whole life it seems:-)
((((((hugs to a former neighbor!)))),
PS. Happy 5th decade! It only gets better and better...
My 5th decade of life?! Not sure I like it when you put it that way! lol
I lived in WI until I was 7 or so, then we moved to Ohio for about a year, and then to Mass. where I've pretty much been ever since.
Massachusetts... sounds lovely and WARM...
Clearly, your parents were brighter then mine regarding weather.
Right now is is miserable, raining, and 9 degrees C., which my handy converter tells me is 48 degrees F.
Which is FUCKING cold for June, ftw. We had overnight frost 2 nights ago. Fuck.
Hoping the climate is being kinder to you,
As it happens, since I wrote till 5:45 am last night, and then struggled with stubborn LJ cuts for another half hour, and then woke up at 8:00 to take my 15 yr old to school, I think I will go take a WARM nap under two feather duvets and a flannel quilt so that I will have strength tonight to write the thrilling tale of...
"David And The Mysterious Behemoth From The Abyssal Depths"
Talk to you soon dearest:)
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