Jun 30, 2008 20:37
In a recent weekly Saturday conversation, my daughter S. and I were talking about the power of God in our lives. She told about the historical problem of people fighting wars because of their belief in God, even when their Holy books admonish them not to kill.
We'd lose our ability to fight if we truly believed in one God, one omnipotent, omniscient God. We ACT as if that's one God for the Protestants (some denominations may rate one of their own, as their creed holds forth that they, and they alone are the true believers, and only their way is righteous,) one God for the Catholics, one for the Jews, one for the Muslims, ad infinium. That really LIMITS GOD! He puts up with the endless diversity of man without a problem. HE has no trouble allowing for people's isolationist ideas, need to feel special, desire to be MORE righteous than any others... All because we can't count to ONE and STOP.