01. Full name: Fa Mulan
02. Best friend: Mu...shu? In camp it's probably Ty Lee.
03. Sexuality: Very male-leaning. In addition to the fact that she is attracted to men, the possibility of dating a woman is not something she'd consider for herself.
04. Favorite colour: Green
05. Relationship status: In a failationship with Retsu.
06. Ideal mate: Someone who respects her background but also respects her and her independence.
07. Turn-ons: Shirtless dudes. Duh.
08. Last sexual experience: She kissed Retsu and it was kind of awkward but cute.
09. Favorite food: I'm not sure... a pork dish?
10. Crushes: Retsu, Shang
11. Favorite music: Deep and meaningful musical numbers
12. Biggest fear: Disappointing her father
13. Biggest fantasy: Being accepted for who she is
14. Quirks in bed: Probably tosses a lot and sleeps like a rock
15. Bad habits: Trying to anticipate how people want her to act and failing miserably
16. Biggest regret: Not being able to live up to society's standards for a girl
17. Best kept secrets: She doesn't want to go home.
18. Last thought: What if Shang finds out...?
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: That time she was love goo'd with Peppo and turned into a rabbit
20. Biggest insecurity: Not living up to arbitrary standards she assumes people have.
01. Full name: Ned (....?)
02. Best friend: Chuck, Digby (won't admit: Emerson and Olive)
03. Sexuality: Chuck-sexual/heterosexual
04. Favorite colour: green
05. Relationship status: ♥ Chuck ♥
06. Ideal mate: Chuck
07. Turn-ons: ...Chuck/witty conversationalist
08. Last sexual experience: I'm sure he and Chuck kiss through the bee suits a lot.
09. Favorite food: pie!!
10. Crushes: Chuck
11. Favorite music: Maybe something like classic rock.
12. Biggest fear: Being made a freakshow experiment, and a close second is killing Chuck.
13. Biggest fantasy: Having Chuck be just alive (without the again) and being domestic and slightly adventurous (within reason) and living happily ever after.
14. Quirks in bed: If you can get him there, he's probably a nervous partner (assumes EVERYTHING WILL GO WRONG) otherwise I think he's a quiet, still, and moderately light sleeper.
15. Bad habits: Constructing barriers between him and people.
16. Biggest regret: There are so many... Probably not reuniting with Chuck before she died.
17. Best kept secrets: Magic fingers! Probably more specifically that he killed his mother (the second time around) and Chuck's dad.
18. Last thought: ♥ Chuck ♥
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: The time he started getting hot and heavy on a bearskin rug.
20. Biggest insecurity: His gift.
01. Full name: Katara
02. Best friend: Sokka/Aang/Toph/Zuko
03. Sexuality: Pretty much mostly male-leaning
04. Favorite colour: Blue!
05. Relationship status: Mostly single/"It's complicated"
06. Ideal mate: Someone who will temper her strong personality in a way that doesn't make her feel stupid.
07. Turn-ons: Good-looking guys, sensitive guys who are still masculine.
08. Last sexual experience: ZUKO KISSED HER >(
09. Favorite food: Stewed Sea Prunes :9
10. Crushes: Boys.
11. Favorite music: Whatever traditional Water Tribe music is, I'm sure.
12. Biggest fear: Letting down those who she wants to protect; losing her friends.
13. Biggest fantasy: Becoming someone important.
14. Quirks in bed: Sleeping-wise she's probably super normal. Otherwise, I can only imagine she'd prefer to top.
15. Bad habits: Jumping to conclusions; Letting her temper get to her.
16. Biggest regret: Not being able to save her mother.
17. Best kept secrets: She's scared of losing to the Fire Nation (but has to remain optimistic)
18. Last thought: WHAT THE HELL, ZUKO.
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: ...Zuko kissing her. And being weird.
20. Biggest insecurity: That no one will like her.
01. Full name: Damian al Ghul/Damian Wayne
02. Best friend: ...
03. Sexuality: Too young/asexual. In canon he's shown interest in women but he's ten and also obsessed with his work.
04. Favorite colour: Black.
05. Relationship status: Ten. And married to his work.
06. Ideal mate: Hypothetically if he showed interest it would be a woman who was on par with him skills-wise and was incredibly badass. So, Cass Cain or someone like his mom ._.a
07. Turn-ons: Getting his ass kicked by a smokin' lady (continuing the hypothetical)
08. Last sexual experience: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
09. Favorite food: He probably just eats Power Bars all the time.
10. Crushes: He has a stalker-non-romantic-obsession with Violet.
11. Favorite music: A pointless distraction. But I can see him going for classical music or something. Because he's sophisticated and elitist or something.
12. Biggest fear: Not being good enough for Daddy.
13. Biggest fantasy: Being praised in congratulated for how amazing he is.
14. Quirks in bed: Kid doesn't sleep. But if he did I could totally see him having nightmares.
15. Bad habits: Being an elitist jackass.
16. Biggest regret: I don't honestly believe it's within his psyche to process regrets for the most part, but if he did it might be... ... I honestly don't know.
17. Best kept secrets: He's probably actually pretty scared of people who are nice to him WHAT ARE THEY DOING.
18. Last thought: EVERYTHING SUCKS
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: n/a
20. Biggest insecurity: That he can't really match up to the godmodes here.
01. Full name: Dairine Eliane Callahan
02. Best friend: Spot. She'd never admit it, but probably Nita at some juncture, too. In camp she likes Jubilee and Vanya and everyone else at camp well enough, but people aren't really her favorite social group.
03. Sexuality: Disinterested but male-leaning
04. Favorite colour: Green?
05. Relationship status: Way single
06. Ideal mate: Someone intelligent who gives her good arguments and has a sense of humor (probably)
07. Turn-ons: Being smart but also well-adjusted. Probably.
08. Last sexual experience: N/A, really.
09. Favorite food: I can't recall if it's specified. Sweets, maybe?
10. Crushes: N/A
11. Favorite music: Movie soundtracks, maybe?
12. Biggest fear: Not being smart enough to save the day/Failing.
13. Biggest fantasy: Being recognized for her achievements.
14. Quirks in bed: I bet she tosses and turns a lot.
15. Bad habits: Being condescending because she thinks five steps ahead of everyone; being impatient and taking risks while only thinking through one or two scenarios (if at all).
16. Biggest regret: Losing the bulk of her power. And probably something relating to her mom, too.
17. Best kept secrets: She misses Nita.
18. Last thought: "I wonder how quickly I can read the library here"
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: N/A
20. Biggest insecurity: How low her power levels are comparatively these days.