December Update

Dec 28, 2010 21:32

What a month.

The husband finished up his almost last semester at school, we travelled, came home and traveled again. And it was Christmas.

Oh, and we all got the plague

Everyone is feeling better and had a wonderful Christmas. I'm so glad we got to spend time with family.

Also: I got a new digital camera and so will actually be able to take pictures of life and knitting and the like.

Speaking of which, look what came to my house:

(Children included for scale)

Two huge bags of Alpaca for me to spin! And they were free (and I need to stop starting sentences with and)! I got them from . The deal is one bag gets spun and the yarn sent back to them, the other bag I get to keep for myself. This is very exciting. Now I have one bag of black, one of white, and those two lovely browns. 
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